These are the 12 months in Spanish. Get started on your way to speaking Spanish conversationally. By Derek Plays Quiz Updated Mar 19 2020. Months of the Year in Spanish Quiz. Start studying Months in Spanish. El 5 de febrero. Answer these questions about the days of the week and the months of the year in Spanish. Learning the months of the year in Spanish should be easy if you are a mother tongue English speaker. Days months Spanish translations Learn with flashcards games and more for free. This lesson focuses on the months of the year in Spanish.
Name and correctly spell the months of the year in Spanish.
Try our interactive vocabulary games to practice. Learn vocabulary terms and more with flashcards games and other study tools. Nos reunimos el primer viernes en marzo. El 1 de enero. El 5 de febrero. Try our interactive vocabulary games to practice.
Using del is usually considered a bit more formal. 2 de marzo del 2017. Learn vocabulary terms and more with flashcards games and other study tools. Get started on your way to speaking Spanish conversationally. This worksheet and quiz let you practice the following skills. This activity was created by a Quia Web subscriber. By Derek Plays Quiz Updated Mar 19 2020. El 5 de febrero. The most common pattern for writing dates in Spanish is number de month de year Grammar of the Months in Spanish All of the names for months are masculine although it usually isnt necessary to use the article el except when giving specific dates and then the el comes before the number rather than the month. Learn vocabulary terms and more with flashcards games and other study tools.
Answer these questions about the days of the week and the months of the year in Spanish. MONTHS DAYS AND SEASONS IN SPANISH - SPANISH CLA 32 terms. Start studying Days Months in Spanish. This worksheet and quiz let you practice the following skills. We will also look at a few different holidays and festivities that take place during each month. Learn vocabulary terms and more with flashcards games and other study tools. Choose from 500 different sets of months in spanish flashcards on Quizlet. Days months Spanish translations Learn with flashcards games and more for free. Also the Spanish week begins on a Monday. We meet on the first Friday in March.
We meet on the first Friday in March. Months of the Year in Spanish Quiz. These are the 12 months in Spanish. Get the ad-free and most optimal full-featured Sporcle experience. Start studying Days Months in Spanish. When writing dates using only numerals the day comes first in Spanish while the month usually comes first in English. A useful tip to remember is that each Spanish month starts with the same letter as its English equivalent except Januaryenero. El 1 de enero. Choose from 500 different sets of spanish months and seasons flashcards on Quizlet. Learn vocabulary terms and more with flashcards games and other study tools.
My birthday is the thirteenth of December. A useful tip to remember is that each Spanish month starts with the same letter as its English equivalent except Januaryenero. Learn vocabulary terms and more with flashcards games and other study tools. Try our interactive vocabulary games to practice. Start studying THE VERB TO BE IN SPANISH - SER OR ESTAR - SEÑOR Q. Its really important to remember this when. In Spanish you can write the date using de or del before the year. More on the months in Spanish. Learn vocabulary terms and more with flashcards games and other study tools. MONTHS DAYS AND SEASONS IN SPANISH - SPANISH CLA 32 terms.
Interpreting information - verify that you can interpret vocabulary regarding the months in Spanish and use the vocabulary correctly. Get the ad-free and most optimal full-featured Sporcle experience. Start studying THE VERB TO BE IN SPANISH - SER OR ESTAR - SEÑOR Q. You may want to check out our notes in Spanish about Los días y los meses. Start studying Months in Spanish. Learn spanish months and seasons with free interactive flashcards. My birthday is the thirteenth of December. Months Random Language or Spanish Quiz Can you name the months in Spanish. Learn months in spanish with free interactive flashcards. 2 de marzo de 2017.